Spring Music Highlights
It’s been a very busy 1st quarter of 2024. Amongst gigs with Adam Levy, Joyann Parker, Zacc Harris, Atlantis Quartet, Red Planet, Cody Steinmann, Abinnet Berhanu, and several others, I got some sort of flu in January, and then Covid in February. Special shout out to Matt Peterson, Dan Carpel and Erik Fratzke for stepping…
Read MoreWinter Winter, Turkey dinner
Trucking along. Staying on the mission even though it’s a marathon. Everybody’s got a lot going on, deviating from the norm, slaying the dragon, going bald. I am supremely grateful that I get to lead a creative life. I can’t do it without my family, my friends, and an audience of superior supporters! Thanks! I’ve…
Read MoreVarious Photos from the Archive
Trio music: the best format ever?
I have spent many hours in my car over the last couple of months driving to exotic locales like Evansville (pop. 412), International Falls and Grand Marais in northern Minnesota. What a fantastic way to see spring come in! From barren and grey to explosive greens in just a few weeks, it’s been such a…
Read MoreSpring into Music
Lots to do. Lots going on. Perpetual motion continues. Sorry, but I’m totally not into promoting myself these days. Staying away from social media and the general insanity of our my-opinion-is-a-fact, yours- is-a-lie culture these days. Trying to sllllooooooowwwwww down and do what’s best for my family and my music. Still super happy to be…
Read MoreMarch ’19 – Le update du Bates
Greetings everyone. Snow gotcha down? It’s definitely been a grind, and as I write this we’re are on the cusp of another ‘precipitation event’ and daylight savings time kicks in on the morrow. The good news is that spring is inevitable, so we’ll just have to ride out this winter like we always do here…
Read MoreFebruary 2019 Bates UPDATE
Well, folks we are already one month into 2019. I played some really fun shows in January including a joyfully ecstatic reunion with some of my Eau Claire friends, an intense and satisfying CD release party for Peter Kogan’s new album, a superset of dinner music with Dave Power and Dean Granros at Icehouse and…
Read MoreInventions and Dimensions trio
I’m super excited to release my first ever digital only EP from my newest trio! Inventions & Dimensions – Wabi Sabi featuring 7 original compositions and the musical partnership of: Joe Strachan on piano and Matt Buckner on drums. Inventions & Dimensions – Wabi Sabi For sale or streaming exclusively at my Bandcamp site. Follow…
Read MoreSeptember Bates Update
So I have been settling in on my new bass; playing gigs, rehearsing, practicing and I had a brief recording session with it as well. It is quite a big change from my old bass, which was certainly to be expected, and everyone seems to be giving me positive feedback about it. I’m very pleased…
Read MoreThe Old Bass
Well tomorrow I leave for Denver to pick up my new upright bass! I’m scared, nervous, apprehensive, ecstatic, happy and sad all rolled into one. It’s certainly not the end of my relationship with my current bass but it is truly a milestone in my life. I’ve played the exact same bass since the 8th…
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