Bates Update FALL 2020
Wow. It’s just wow. So many things have changed, and shifted, and generally gone askew that I will just say; Here we are. We’re still here. Getting up everyday and working on the work that needs to be worked on. For me that’s still music but not at the pace or intensity that it once was. I’m working a part time job and my online teaching studio is open and available to students (nudge, nudge). I’ve been inspired over the last few weeks by my brother JT and my friend Cody McKinney to put out some sort of content as often as possible, so if you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see my Meditation series.
There are three great things happening this weekend so I thought I would check in, say hello, and let you know what they are.
Friday November 6th 5:30pm Crooners Connie Evingson w/ Mary Louise Knutson
I’ve been fortunate to play with Connie and Mary Louise several times since July out at Crooners. It’s a joy to make music with these two ladies. We’ll be inside in the Dunsmore Room playing a nice mixture of jazz, pop, and American Song. Click the link above for tickets.
Here is what Crooners has to say about their new HVAC unit and Covid safety concerns.
On select nights, our widely praised Dunsmore Jazz Room, with its unmatched views of Moore Lake, is ready to welcome guest in newly configured, reduced capacity setting that balances proximity to the artists and a spacious room plan. This is now a fusion-ventilated space with tall louver windows that admit fresh air, and ample heating that is climate controlled. With full table service for parties of two and four (no single seats), we think you’ll find the new reduced capacity Dunsmore just as welcoming as before.
Saturday November 7th 7 & 9 pm streaming sets Jazz Central Alejandro Urzagaste & Bill Carrothers
Alejandro Urzagaste and Bill Carrothers will play a duets on Friday night and in quartet with Jay Epstein and Chris Bates on Saturday night. Alejandro is a spectacular guitarist based in Chicago and we’re lucky to get him, and Bill, to come here to play these shows! We’ll be playing several original pieces from Alejandro and Bill that are featured on Alejandro’s album FLOW. I’m really looking forward to this as it is always a seriously fun ride to play with Bill and we’re sure to find some amazing musical zones with our new friend Alejandro.
One of the benefits of this pandemic (if there is one) is that it’s allowed us all time to really stop and consider what we really value in life and where we would like to focus our efforts. Jazz Central Studios has responded by starting a Musicians Relief Fund. It is through donations to this fund that their shows can take place and the musicians can get paid. So please make sure you give some money to this fund and make Jazz Central one of your main sources for quality streaming music shows! It is always appreciated!
Without much fanfare or publicity, Jazz Central has turned itself into a very nice Live-streaming venue. Jazz Central has recently partnered with MCN6 TV and are now broadcasting their shows directly from their website. It’s a four camera system with a simple but effective audio mix and the results are a significant step up from their previous efforts. I’ve been working with Mac Santiago on this pretty closely and we’re excited at the potential to build an archive of concerts and to be able to present shows in a safe way throughout this winter.
Finally, last May, MNMAH (MN Musicians Against Hunger. The non-profit I founded with Dave Melek and Pat Davis), released our first album called Bands For Cans V1. We solicited many musicians from all over the state to submit unreleased songs and we got responses from The New Standards, The Petersons, Mark Mallman, NURD, Greazy Meal and several others. All these unreleased songs were donated by these artists to our Bands For Cans compilations to help raise awareness about food insecurity and hunger issues across Minnesota. So far, we have been able to donate over $900 directly to Second Harvest Heartland. Services like Second Harvest have amazing buying power and those dollars are currently buying food and other supplies at a 7 to 1 rate. That $900 donation gives them approximately $6300 in buying power! That kind of buying power is worth investing in. Without a doubt, Food insecurities continue to be a huge issue in our state and so MNMAH is proud to release Bands For Cans V2 on FRIDAY November 6th. On this Friday ALL proceeds from ALL sales will go directly to MNMAH as part of the Bandcamp Fridays. Because Bandcamp is waiving their fees that day, we will be able to give EVEN MORE to Second Harvest and help them continue their efforts to assist people all over the state. As we settle in to winter these problems will persist and it’s only through direct action that we will see a decrease in the need for these services.
SO, go ahead and check out Bands For Cans V2 when it goes live on Friday 11/6 at midnight on Bandcamp! It features songs from PaviElle, Desdamona, MMYYKK, Mary Bue, Cory Wong, Lady Lark, Keith Secola, Charlie Parr, Ian Valor, Scottie Miller, Josh Nkhata, Haley, Yohannes Tona, 4 on the Floor, Jim Anton and my own project Grease Gun. Every dollar you spend on MNMAH albums and merch will always go directly to Second Harvest Heartland.

Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. I’m up and down and all around with my moods and energy, but I still believe in the human spirit and the power of love! Be well – cb